Taboric Light at the Transfiguration



Today is the feast of the Transfiguration. Today we celebrate Christ’s unveiling of his self to his disciples. In honor of this celebration, here is a poem from my book The Green Man.


Taboric light, shekinah mist unveils
The Truth, the hidden Light behind the Shadow.
The dull becomes radiant, and holy blows
The wind. The three men continue to tell their tale.
Moses and Elijah prep the Holy Grail.
Peter sees and kneels and bends and bows
While James and John sit silent, Peter knows
Not what to say, his understanding fails.
The Light and mist return from whence they come,
Only to find their way back to the earth.
For Christ and Spirit dwell inside us all,
And he united all things from our home
To his unapproachable divinity, our worth
Refreshed with light and life from one eternal.


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