Liturgical Entanglements: A New Book of Poetry
Jacob’s Ladder by William Blake, PD
I can barely believe I’m writing these words, but I am publishing a new book of poetry. Just yesterday, I officially signed the contract with the Resource Publications imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
I really can’t believe this is happening. It was hard enough to believe that my first book of poetry was accepted and published, but to have a second book accepted and preparing to come into the world? It beggars belief.
This new book is titled Liturgical Entanglements. The title poem was recently published in Grand Little Things. This book will be focused on the Church Year and other prayers and prayer practices. For each season of the Church Year there are seven poems. These poems are meant to help readers pray through and come to a deeper spiritual understanding of the liturgical calendar. After the poems for the year, there are series of poems reflecting on the seven planets of medieval cosmology, a series of poems responding to the Stations of the Cross, the Mysteries of the Rosary, and the twelve sections of the Apostles’ Creed.
I hope these poems will not be enjoyable, but will be of spiritual benefit as well. Seamus Heaney wrote about an old monk hearing his confession in his poem “Station Island XI” telling him to “read poems as prayers.” These poems are offered to all of you as just that, prayers.
I’ll let you know more as the time for publication comes closer, but I just couldn’t wait to share this exciting news with you all.