A Poem for the Ascension

The Ascension by Rembrandt (PD)

The Ascension by Rembrandt (PD)

Tomorrow is the feast of the Ascension. The Ascension is an interesting feast. After all, it celebrates Christ leaving us, but leaving to prepare a place for us. And what’s more, his leaving is what also allows us to receive the Holy Spirit, which we’ll celebrate in ten days time on Pentecost. So in honor of this feast that left the apostles staring into the heavens, looking for their departed Lord, here is a poem for your spiritual reflection.


For forty days the risen Lord went feasting,
Even cooking breakfast for his apostles.
But then the day arrived for his ascending,
And he blessed his friends, his dear disciples.
He had to go prepare a place for us,
A place he will bring at his returning.
Somehow he will, that day, transform our dust
Into a life of infinite enduring.
But we needn’t look up to see where he has gone,
For he has gone beyond both time and space.
Instead we must look into our hearts for his throne,
For that is where he made his resting place.
We take him with us throughout the entire world,
And preach the Good News of the living Word.


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